Monday, March 06, 2006

The Knicks....The Light At The End Of Tunnel is the Reflection of your Flash Light off a Steel Wall

Before I get on the Bricks, I want to make two statements.

First, Stacey Kiebler got robbed on Dancing With The Stars!! I knew there was a reason that I don't watch anything involving audience/viewer participation. Now I know why.

Second, I'm not a big coffee guy, but Starbucks sucks. Dunkin Donuts kicks its ass in taste any day of the week.

Back to your regular scheduled programming.

Here's how down I am about the Knickerbocker situation. I'm this close to walking away, to asking for a divorce. At least until the Dolans sell the team. They've taken one of the jewel franchises of the NBA and turned them into the Clippers East. I can't even call them the Clippers. They're making the playoffs!

What's the situation feel so hopeless is not the fact that they're 15-41. I've watched bad NYK teams before. The hopeless feeling comes from the fact that there's talent on this team. A lot of talent. This isn't the mid eighties. When Bernard King blew out his ACL and we were waiting for Patrick Ewing to become the franchsise. Those teams were suppose to be bad. But this team has playoff caliber talent.

The problem is that they're not a team in the way the Pistons or Spurs are a team. The Knicks are a assemblage of players and spare parts. The pundits keep saying that if Larry had the right sort of players, he could win. I take a different stance. If we had the right sort of coach, the right sort of management, we could win.

I'm so disgusted...I can't even finish this post.


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