Friday, January 06, 2006

What A Way To Start Off The New Year!!

No Victory Crip Walks for Snoop and USC.

I wish I could tell you that I wasn't pissed that the Men of Troy lost to UT Wednesday night. But you know that I'd lying through my teeth. The fact that I was watching a game and a performance for the ages didn't diminish my anger at the fact that USC should have won this game by two touchdowns.

I didn't need anyone to tell me that it was going to be a tough closely contested game. I'd seen enough of Texas this year to know that they were capable of beating anyone this side of the NFL and that Vince Young was an absolute monster.

What I didn't know was that Vince was going to go from college monster to the College Gridiron's version of Zeus. His performance has to be considered one of the five greatest performances in a championship game. In any sport. Unbelievable.

If this kid doesn't come out this year, he's a fool. His stock can't get any higher than it is now. The Stay In School lobby needs to shut up on this one. This is a no-brainer. Education is important for a person long-term growth as a human being. But one of the reasons, as a friend pointed out to me after the game, you go to college is to get a job and make money. Riddle me this, Batman....what is Vince Young going to learn in his last year of school that's going enable him to earn a $10 million signing bonus and a huge endorsement deal without actually ever playing a down in the NFL?

If he wants go back for his degree later, nothing's stopping him. But the cheddar is there for him right now and he needs take advantage of it. He's climbed the mountain and slayed the dragon. There's nothing left for him to prove.

That being said, USC could have prevented all the pain and suffering that Trojan nation felt Wednesday night. They were killing the Texas defense softly all game with screens, intermediate pass paterns and a large dose of Lendale White. Texas kept Reggie Bush from going Playstation on them. But Leinart had so many options, the Longhorns couldn't cope. All they could hope for was for was Carroll to get impatient for the home run ball and force a mistake.

The football gods were in a generous mood. Not only did USC fail on fourth down conversion on the 15 yard line in the first, they get Reggie Bush's brainlock when he fumbled a lateral attempt at the end of a long pass play that would have put them in scoring position and a Matt Leinart interception in the endzone in the second quarter.

Each situation, the USC offense was in control of the game. All they had to do was continue to take what the defense was giving them and move down the field. Instead they got impatient and went for the kill prematurely. They left anywhere from nine to 17 points on the board by drifting away from the gameplan.

They sort of reminded me of the Yankees in 2004 and 2005 in the playoffs. Always going for the homerun when a single or a double to the opposite field would do the trick. Take what the defense gives you. It's not as dramatic as a shot to the head or a sword to the gut. But eventually your opponent will bleed to death. John McEnroe and 1998 Yankees were the masters of this.

I can't get angry at the fourth and two attempt at the end of the attempt. Pete knew that whoever had the ball last was probably going to win. He wanted to take the game out of his defense's hands. Young had them his plaything all game and he didn't want to risk it. I question the decisions that put his team in that situation in the first place. If he was a little more patient and Bush didn't try to hot dog earlier, they would have the game by at least two touchdowns.

The defensive back who called the timeout at the end because they weren't ready for the two point conversion should be thrown under a bus.

So kudos to Texas and Mack Brown. They won fair and square. They were good enough to get it done. But I agree with Matt Leinart, I don't think that the better team won.

Playoffs ?!?! Playoffs?!?!?

So the G-Men will make their playoff appearance in three years when they face off against Carolina on Sunday. I like Carolina. Was a big fan of John Fox when he was here. Julius Peppers and Steve Smith are two of my favorite players in the league. If they win Sunday, I could totally see them running the table to the Super Bowl where they will be dispatched by the Colts.

That being said, they're not winning Sunday.

I think the Giants are the better team. They're more balanced offensively, their offensive line is healthy and I think they'll get enough of a push from their defensive line to make Jake Delhomme uncomfortable.

People keep talking about how Jake's experience. What I see is a QB who relies way too much on one player. Something a good defensive coaching staff can use to their advantage. Smith had more receptions, yards and touchdowns than rest of the other Panther receivers and tight ends had combined. I think the Giants will find a way to limit Smith's touches and force the other players to make plays. The Giants will also control clock with a mix of underneath passing routes and a good dose of Tiki on the side.

Final Score Giants 24, Panthers 14

My other picks..Steelers over the Bengals 22-17, Pats over the Jags 17-14, Bucs over the Skins 20-10.


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