Tuesday, January 10, 2006

False Advertising

Ok I'm back. I'm calm, cool and collected. I can blog again.

But I'm still pissed off about Sunday.

It was like going to a movie and expecting to see the Natural, Remember the Titans or North Dallas Forty. And instead being forced to watch Brokeback Mountain or the Hours. Just utterly depressing.

In the upcoming draft, if we draft anything other than a linebacker or defensive back in first few rounds, then I don't know what Ernie Acorsi is thinking. We need depth at both positions, because bringing guys in off the street just ain't cutting it.

Nick Griesen says he's filing for free agency because he wants to start somewhere. After DeShaun Foster made him his personal bitch for four quarters, anyone who wants to sign this stiff as a starter must have whips and chains in their bedroom. The Marquis De Sade's (or his great, great grandson's) number must be on their speed dial. I lost count how many times he was at the point of attack either at the line of scrimmage or behind it. But instead of making the tackle, he either got his ankles broken or trucked by Foster. Tony Dorsett or Earl Campbell....the Window or the Stairs...your choice, Nick.

Have fun getting your ankles broken on the Lions. Matt Millen will be retarded enough to sign you.

On paper, a starting linebacker corps of Antonio Pierce, Barett Green and Carlos Emmons is pretty good. Now if only we can get them all on the field together. Emmons will be 34 next year, so Pierce and Green have to be anchors next season. And that's no guarantee when you consider Green and Coughlin weren't exactly bossom buddies last year. I like Pierce and I love the energy he brings to his team. We have to draft smart and get some LB's in here. Ballhawks who can tackle.

As for the DBs, I think Corey Webster and Gibril Wilson are going to be players. But I think we either need to draft or look at free agency to fill in the gaps. Will Allen has to go. He's an ok cover guy, but he has hands of stone. But I'll throw up in my mouth, if I think of all the INTs he's dropped over the years. And worse, the times where the defense gives up a big gain right after his drop. Will Peterson, too. His injury makes it easier to jettison his ass.

The offense needs to take a long look in the mirror as well. Eli's taken a beating the last few weeks to be sure. Tiki needed to look at the tape before he threw the coaches under the bus. Superior coaching was only part of it. Great teams and players make plays even when the opposition knows what's coming. They enforce their will onto the situation and make something of nothing. The Panthers did that all day long. Running draws on third and long and getting the first down? That's not play-calling. That's determination and superior execution. All the coaches can do is prepare the players and call the plays. They can't suit up and play for them.

I hope the offense does get become a little more sophisticated as Eli becomes more comfortable. But even with a green QB at the helm, the Giants had more than enough to beat the Panthers. At the very least make it competitive.

The exact opposite of the last two years happened this season. Instead of injuries in the beginning and the middle of the season, they all happened at the end this time. And usually in the NFL, the healthy teams go deep into January. Look at the Pats, they got everyone in back in time for their playoff run. Their coach and QB kept them afloat until the reinforcements arrived.

I'm not going to go as far as MadDog Russo and say that this loss eliminates everything we've accomplished this year. It's an awful loss. But when you consider how far they've come since training camp. I'm excited about the future. We have a nucleus to build around on both sides of the ball. The Giants are relevant again and we have this team to thank for that.

But until then...here are the jokes....deal with it boys...

Q. What do you call 47 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl?

A. The New York Giants

Q. What do the New York Giants and Billy Graham have in common?

A. They both can make 70,000 people stand up and yell "Jesus Christ."

Q. How do you keep a New York Giant out of your yard?

A. Put up goal posts.

Q. Where do you go in New Jersey in case of a tornado?

A. To Giant's Stadium - they never get a touchdown there!

Q. What do you call a New York Giant with a Super Bowl ring?

A. A thief

Q. What's the difference between the Giants and a dollar bill?

A. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill.

Q. How many New York Giants does it take to win a Super Bowl?

A. Nobody knows, and we may never find out.

Q. What do the New York Giants and possums have in common?

A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road.

Growing up, I've always been wary of preachers and evangelists. Maybe it's been the pagan or the iconoclast in me, but all that preaching, fire and brimstone, rah-rah stuff has always made me uneasy.

That's why despite personally liking Herman Edwards (despite the Miracle in the Meadowlands), I've always been put off with all the Elmer Gantry-esque showings during his press conferences.

Those performances made folks forget the most important fact about the former Jets coach. He was an average coach who delegated the x's and o's because that wasn't his strong suit. And when things went bad, he never shouldered the blame. So it's not surprising that despite going 4-12 during a injury filled campaign, he had the gall to ask for an extension and raise.

I understand Herm was one of the lowest paid head coaches in the league....living in the county with the highest property taxes in the country (Nassau County). But he signed the contract, nobody forced him to do it. As badly as the Jets have handled this thing, Herm is equally to blame.

The big losers in all this? The Chiefs. They get an average coach who will not get them back to the Big Dance.

The Jets? They better think long hard on who they choose because the wrong choice could set this team back a decade. You could be looking at the New York Bungals if they don't pick the right man to captain this ship.


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